Audio reactive light installation


Centro Cultural España, CDMX. 

Within the framework of Museum 2.0, a program of the Cultural Center of Spain in Mexico that seeks the participatory experience in the public that visits the museum, through proposals for pieces and interactive content by exploring new creative techniques, Intus developed the piece Multivektor.

Multivektor reflects on the concept of dimension. For a physicist the dimensions are the framework in which Reality develops, it is the canvas on which every particle draws its existence and its evolution, in principle there are 3 dimensions, the spatial ones; that is, forward and backward (which will be the x axis), left and right (which we will call the y axis). We cannot even imagine what the world would be like in 4D, because we are confined in a universe of only three dimensions. The Tesseract is considered a cube out of time, that is, every instant of time it moved through but all of them together. Of course we cannot see a Tesseract in the fourth dimension, because we live only in three with the mental limitation of our brains. If we want to acquire a true vision of fourth-dimensional space, we must do very specific exercises, we must create a vision of the nature of light.

Multivektor_ is an audio reactive light installation that challenges our eyes and our brains to an audiovisual journey from the first to the fourth dimension. Through laser projections and audio-reactive visuals, the piece shows a narrative in which we observe the development of the Tesseract from its simplest origin (points and lines in space) to its most complex development in space and time.

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Creative Direction

Curated and produced by INTUS Interactive Design.